Jason Elliot Benda's Audio Philes

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An audiophile is a lover of sound, just as a bibliophile is a lover of books. The Audio Philes are lists of song lyrics, for songs I both like and have on CD. Yes, it's a play on words, but if I called them "audio files", that would imply sound files here, which I do not have. Even locally, I used to store my sound files on a different partition of my hard drive than where I store the local version of this page; now I have a different hard drive, so they are merely in different places in the directory structure. Since writing that, I repartitioned that hard drive, so once again my music files are on different partitions (M:, N:, O:, P:) than my local web stuff (on I:).

That noted, a word on copyrights. I fully respect the rights of artists to be compensated for their work. (As one writer noted in the Tribune during the Congressional hearings on Napster, without copyright protection the next Bruce Springsteen might decide to repair transmissions instead of singing, since there's money to be made repairing transmissions.) I may seem to be hypocritical by posting lyrics, but my view is as follows. There are at least five CDs I own, and probably more on my Wish List at CDNOW, which I didn't know I wanted. It took me an internet search of a section of song lyrics just to find out the title and artist of the song I wanted. I have no qualms about posting these lyrics for the reason that it may actually help sales of the artist's work rather than hinder it.

For the same reason, it has been and will continue to be the policy of Jason Elliot Benda's Home Page that I will not post or have available for general download any sound files, video files, or animated images without the expressed consent of the copyright holder. I also will have a policy regarding still images; this is currently under development. Any links which may be present for sound or video files residing on my computer shall only be accessible from my computer, and I shall require prior permission for anyone using my computer (or entering my house, for that matter, but I think that's pretty clear). Links to sound files residing on other servers, since they reside on other servers, are subject to other people's policies.

Okay, enough with the unpleasantries. As I've said, these are all songs I have on CD and that I also like. There's a wide variety here, I know; I have, at times, rather eclectic tastes in music. Each file has (assuming this is all stuff I could find) the song title, the songwriter's name, the performing artist's name, the title of the CD I own with the song on it, and links to both the RealJukebox file (or other audio file) on my hard drive and the CD's page on CDNOW, where you can buy the CD and listen to it yourself. The lyrics then follow, at least what I thnk are the correct lyrics. I've transcribed all these from listening to the songs, so I may occasionally have made a slip-up. If you find one, let me know. Here (from JEBHP 5) is the list of mistakes I had from the old files, knownbugs.html.

While I was in the process of recreating these files, I kept looking up CDs I have on CDNOW (in order to insert the links in the appropriate places). I was storing the links in a dummy file (appropriately named "dummy.html"). I decided, though, that I might as well just leave that page as part of JEBHP 9. So here's my CD collection (in need of some serious updating): JEB's CDs.
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This page last modified 00:43 31Jan02.