Welcome to the new (and I hope improved) Image Closet. (The old Image Closet is, at the moment, here on JEBHP 5.) What's so new? Well, I don't think I had a picture of my old i-card. What's improved? The image quality, I hope. Take a look at the images below: on the left, from JEBHP 5; on the right, from JEBHP 9.
Aside from the obvious differences in cropping, I think the images from JEBHP 9 look a lot crisper. While the old images were either scanned in Urbana or in Elmhurst (either way, on a Mac), the new images were scanned on my own scanner on my PC in Naperville. I also scanned them at 400 dpi; the images you see have been resized and are shown at 96 dpi.

So what's here now?

The Chicago B team picture from ARML '93. I'm in this one, in the red sweater.
A simple picture of Ben. Watch out for that jacket! My worthless IKEA dishtowel is on the right.
A selfless moment for Ben captured: guiding his friend Marisa back after she had wandered into the next room.
We always said this picture should be on the wall at Apple Chevrolet. Never sell these people a truck.
Is she dead? No, she's just sleeping on the floor of my res hall room in Urbana. I took this picture.
This is my actual game ticket from the only New Jersey Devils game I got to go to this season. It was in Columbus, Ohio. (They didn't tear the ticket; they just scanned the barcode and let me in.) New Jersey beat the Blue Jackets 6-3.
This is a picture of Nationwide Arena in Columbus, Ohio, which shows the location of Section 110, Row A, Seat 3. (IMPORTANT NOTE: The original picture (without my annotations) is Copyright © 2000 Nationwide Arena.)
A shot of a fine group just chilling out in the res hall. (Yes, that was really my desk behind Marisa Greco.)
One of my father's self-portraits -- a picture he took of himself when he worked at the psychiatric hospital.
A party in 1992 during Enriched Written Communications. Only Kate seemed to notice I was taking a picture.
With menacing clouds approaching, not to mention that pesky Glenbard South baserunner, Huskie catcher Jennifer Korbas is pictured here, demanding that the ball be thrown to somewhere in the vicinity of the infield.
Another picture of my roommate. Here Ben is sitting in my favorite (now abandoned *sniff*) lawn chair.
My last ID card from Urbana-land. (And no, my SSN is not really 352-12-6376.)
Why isn't Janine looking at the camera? She's taking after her father by looking at him instead.
This is a boring picture of my uncle John wearing a tie. (Where did I find this one? How old is it?)
This picture shows an often-overlooked part of a basketball game: Coach Mark Lindo talking during a time-out.
What happens when I try to take softball pictures. We were at home, although it seems I was in Wheaton.
A picture of Melissa Biancalana and Marisa Greco, Ben's friends from Northwestern who visited us in 1994.
A picture of Mara and me (I'm the taller one) a few minutes before the triple-overtime game in 1994.
One last shot of the group while fully awake, although Marisa looks like she's fading fast.
By popular demand (okay, because my stepbrother asked for it), a picture of my father sans moustache.
Hey, who said every picture I take looks good? Definitely not my grandmother or her granddaughter Nikki.
A picture of the scoreboard at the half of the triple-overtime game: #1 Naperville C. 20, #2 Naperville N. 25.
A shot from the "Over The Hill" party. Life's rough when you're over the hill, especially when you're only 4.
Plate discipline is crucial to success in softball. Here Sarah Lindsay demonstrates the art of taking a pitch.
Softball is not always happy, as this picture shows. (Don't cry, Sarah; Coach Haas will take his hand off your shoulder in just a minute.)
Why is this man smiling? Jason Buckley smiled for the camera after the Huskies won the triple-overtime game.
A picture of two cats (back when they were still alive) waiting on a shelf together to be fed.
A picture of the NNHS softball scoreboard in the old days (with the old metal numbers) announcing triumph.
A picture of Coach Williams (Naperville North's varsity softball coach), back when he was the JV coach.
(Oh, click on any picture below to view it full-size, but know where the "Back" button is on your browser in order to get back here from the image file.)
More to come as I keep scanning the old stuff! I'm trying to put five new scans up a day. Qui sait what's next?
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This page last modified 15:52 03Mar01.